Measuring Trust

Measuring trust

The DRIVERS® trust-scale© provides a simple approach to evaluating and assessing levels of trust from an individual to a specific team or the whole organisation. The research based, simple methodology provides unique insight for targeted change because it gives clarity about what is working well and why, and what is being adversely impacted. It strengthens self-awareness and awareness of others and, provides a framework and common language for any team to proactively deepen trust.

Assessment can be done in the moment, after an event, as a larger study or to inform the structuring and set up of a change programme, a specific project, communication approach or intervention seeking to boost engagement. The DRIVERS® trust-scale© provides invaluable knowledge and support to improve performance, motivation and advance human leadership.

The DRIVERS Trust Scale©

Welcome to the DRIVERS® trust-scale©. This simple methodology uses visual assessment rather than numerical. Our visual processing has stronger communication lines through to our emotional brain and so the trust-scale© provides a deeper, more nuanced result. Full instructions on how to assess your own level of trust are just below.

  • Direction
  • Relative position




  1. First define the context for which you wish to assess the level of trust. The context is yours to specify but it needs to be clear in your head as to what scenario you are analysing the DRIVERS® within. Situations affect us differently. You may feel that at home all is well, but maybe at work, within your team or maybe for a specific project things are not so good.
  2. Next move the sliders on the trust scale © above to represent how satisfied you are with each of the DRIVERS®. Where closer to ‘Safe’ represents that you are satisfied to very satisfied, and closer to ‘Threat’ represents that you are less satisfied to very unsatisfied. You can take a screen copy of your entry should you wish. There is no right or wrong on your assessment. Where you place your slider on the trust scale© is subjective, a felt sense – yours and yours alone.
  3. Once you have your DRIVERS® trust-scale© picture you can make a note for yourself why you placed the sliders where you did. This awareness, as a first step, will help to explain what is happening for you within the context you have chosen. What stands out for you? Which of the DRIVERS® are being nurtured and which are being quashed? What are you feeling about this situation?

Understanding and normalising how you felt through the lens of the DRIVERS® will help to regulate your emotions. If you see that some of the DRIVERS® are in the safe zone within the context you have chosen, that’s great. Why are they here? What are you doing and/or what is happening that is nurturing these, and how can you do more of it? And, for those that are sitting closer to the threat zone. What is happening? What are your options? What can you influence to shift them closer to safety?

The more often you measure the DRIVERS® using the trust-scale© the stronger your self-awareness will become and so will the clarity around the choices you have to affect change.